• "Az ingatlanpiacon mindig a szakértelembe fektetett pénz az,


    amely a legnagyobb megtérülést eredményezi."

"A 2008-ban alapított SOLUN-t magyarországi befektetők hívták életre azért, hogy az ingatlanpiacon - hosszútávú gondolkodás mentén - a legmagasabb minőségű szolgáltatást nyújtsa."TÓTH-DEME MIKLÓSÜGYVEZETŐ

A SOLUN jelenleg összességében több mint 150.000 m2 alapterületű budapesti ingatlanfejlesztés megvalósításában és előkészítésében, 100.000 m2 alapterületű ingatlanterület értékesítésében és számos ingatlanbefektetés tanácsadásában vesz részt.

Munkatársaink tudásbázisa, rátermettsége és kapcsolatrendszere biztosítja Partnereink számára az osztályon felüli szolgáltatásminőséget és Ügyfél-orientáltságot. A SOLUN további érdekeltséggel rendelkezik az ingatlanüzemeltetés és vendéglátás terén.


szakmai tapasztalat

100,000K m2

ingatlanterület bérbeadása

150,000K m2

ingatlanterület fejlesztése


megbízhatóság, hatekonyság



A SOLUN Menedzserei és Szakemberei sok éves tapasztalattal rendelkeznek ingatlanfejlesztési, -befektetési és –finanszírozási területen. A Menedzsment tagjai több közepes méretű és nagyvállalat szervezetének működtetésében, szervezésében és átalakításában vettek részt az elmúlt két évtized során.

Mérnökeink RICS tagok, közgazdászaink pedig nemzetközi MBA végzettséggel rendelkeznek. A Menedzsment a hosszú távú szemlélet alapján elkötelezetten Ügyfél központú, állandóan magas minőségű szolgáltatás nyújtására törekszik, megteremtve munkája során a megbízhatóságot, a mértékletességet és az átláthatóságot. 


A SOLUN hosszú távú stratégiáját céltudatosan felépített vállalati szerkezetre és működésre, illetve minőségi, értéket teremtő beruházások megvalósítására alapozza. A SOLUN stabil fejlődését segíti prémium kategóriájú ingatlan és ügyfélportfóliója. A hosszú távú versenyképesség zálogát a menedzsment a minőségi fejlesztések mellett, a minőségi szolgáltatásokban látja, melyek egyrészt ingatlanokhoz, másrészt vállalatirányításhoz kapcsolódik.

A SOLUN célja a hosszútávon fenntartható, stabil fejlődés és minőségi szolgáltatás-színvonal fenntartása. A SOLUN szolgáltatói és fejlesztői tevékenysége során törekszik stratégiai szövetségek és befektetői partnerkapcsolatok kiépítésére.



Társaságunk tevékenységei között nagy hangsúlyt fektetünk a saját beruházásban, vagy társberuházásban, értékesítési céllal megvalósuló ingatlanfejlesztésre, a lakás, iroda, üzlet, szálloda, parkolóház funkciójú építmények létrehozására. Munkánk a fejlesztendő terület kiválasztásától a befektetés és finanszírozás megszervezésén, a tervezésen és a kivitelezésen keresztül a használatbavételig, birtokbaadásig tart.




Igényeit nagy tapasztalattal, műszaki ellenőri vizsgával és RICS tagsággal rendelkező, angol szakmai nyelven is beszélő, mérnök és mérnök-közgazdász munkatársaink segítségével elégítjük ki. A projekt folyamán rendszeres helyszíni bejárásaink alkalmával ellenőrizzük a munka állapotát, havi jelentéseket készítünk Megbízónk részére, részletezve a költségeket, a munka előrehaladását, minőségét.




Vásárlás, eladás, vagy hitelfelvétel előtt becsültesse fel az adásvétel tárgyát képező ingatlant! A vevő számára a piaci információk rendszerint korlátozott mértékben állnak rendelkezésre. Ezért fontos a korrekt, aktuális piaci helyzet figyelembevételével történt értékbecslés. Magasan képzett szakembereink, valamint lokális piacismeretünk segítségével mi a korrekt értékmeghatározást nyújtjuk Ügyfeleinknek.




A Hitelszerződés megkötése előtt készítünk egy Megvalósíthatósági Tanulmányt, amely során megvizsgáljuk a fejlesztés állapotát és lehetőségeit, beleértve a szabályozási tervet, az engedélyeket, szerződéseket, költségvetéseket, továbbá elvégezzük a projektvezetőség és a pénzügyek ellenőrzését. Emellett áttekintjük az elvégzett munkák és a kiadások, valamint a teljesítéshez szükséges költségek kalkulációját.




A Menedzsment tagjai számos nagyvállalatnál töltöttek be vezető pozíciókat. Munkájuk során több szervezet átalakításában vettek részt, beleértve a működés optimalizálását, a folyamatszabályozást, a pénzügyi és gazdasági átvilágítást és a humán- és egyéb erőforrás-menedzsmentet. A Solun Szervezetre szabottan, ezt a gyakorlatban szerzett tudást és szakértelmet kínálja Partnereinek.


"Az a projekt, amely nem jelent kihívást, nem méltó arra, hogy projektnek nevezzük..."


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Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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h1. Heading 1

Sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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h2. Heading 2

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h3. Heading 3

Sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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    Maximizing Efficiency: Advanced Strategies
    for Your CNC Workbench!

    What will you want to do? Take up higher-than-average strategies for CNC Workbench where innovation and efficiency meet.
    Find high tech features like quick changeovers and flexible scheduling
    as well as the knowledge gain, education and training you need.
    Carefully put together in every detail and the machine runs on its own to achieve
    top level of operational excellence; this is why our CNC workbench is the
    highest standard of production in the industry.

    Optimizing Your CNC Workbench Layout!

    • Importance of an ergonomic and logical layout
     Ergonomic Design
    Craftsmen prioritize ergonomic design for CNC workbenches, reducing fatigue.
    Adjustable heights and angled surfaces enhance user comfort.
    Key tools within arms reach streamline tasks.
    Proper lighting minimizes strain.
     Logical Arrangement
    Logical placement of tools on a CNC workbench boosts efficiency.
    Group related items for seamless access. Position frequently used
    tools at the forefront. Label compartments for easy identification, ensuring smooth operation.
     Space Utilization
    Maximizing space on a CNC workbench is crucial. Utilize CNC vertical machining holders for drills and
    bits. Sliding drawers organize smaller components.

    Overhead shelves free up valuable work surface.
    Efficient design accommodates more projects.

     Accessibility Focus
    Accessibility is key in a CNC workbench setup. Ensure clear pathways for
    easy movement. Keep emergency stops visible and reachable.

    Designate zones for different activities, enhancing safety.
    User-friendly interfaces on machines aid in operation.
     Workflow Integration
    Integrating workflow into CNC workbench design enhances productivity.
    Layout reflects the manufacturing process. Material intake and product output areas are distinct.

    Centralized control panels streamline machine use.
    Organized tools reduce downtime, boosting output.
    • Tips for arranging tools and materials for easy access and workflow
     Vertical Storage
    Maximize CNC Workbench efficiency with smart vertical storage solutions.
    Racks and shelves hold materials, tools within reach.

    Organize items by frequency of use, top for rare, bottom for common.
    Benefits include saved space, quick access. Ideal for small and large workspaces alike is
    enhancing productivity significantly.
     Labeled Bins
    CNC Workbench organization excels with labeled bins.
    Store bits, cutters, and jigs systematically. Each bin, tagged with contents,
    streamlines finding parts. Reduces downtime is
    searching for components. A mix of sizes accommodates diverse items.
    Essential for maintaining a clutter-free environment is ensuring a smooth workflow.

     Shadow Boards
    Implement shadow boards at the CNC Workbench.
    Outline tools on boards for easy identification, return. Visual management tool prevents loss, misplacement.
    Custom shapes signal correct storage spot
    for each tool. Boosts efficiency, supports 5S
    methodology. This is Ideal for quick tool retrieval,
    maintaining order.
     Tool Holders
    Optimize CNC Workbench with structured tool holders.
    Designate spots for drills, end mills, collets.
    Ensures tools are always at hand, organized. Magnetic, pegboard holders offer flexibility,
    customization. This is crucial for streamlined operations, quick changeovers.
    Tool holders transform workbench into a highly efficient station.

    Tool Management Strategies!

    • Best practices for organizing and maintaining CNC tools
     Regular Inspections
    For CNC Workbench, conduct inspections often. Check tools for wear, alignment issues.
    Identify problems early, prevent machine downtime. A routine, detailed examination ensures tools perform at peak.
    This is key for high-quality output, maintaining high precision manufacturing in projects.
    Essential step in tool management prolongs tool life.
     Cleanliness Protocol
    Maintain a clean CNC Workbench always. Dust, debris affects tool performance, precision.
    Implement daily cleaning schedules. Use appropriate
    cleaners for metal, electronic parts. A tidy workspace prevents accidents, ensures tools'
    longevity. Cleanliness enhances operational efficiency, keeps the workbench in optimal condition.
     Sharpness Checks
    Sharp tools are crucial at the CNC Workbench. Regularly test for dullness, wear.

    Dull tools result in poor cuts, increased waste. Use precision instruments to gauge sharpness.
    Immediate sharpening or replacement ensures consistent quality.
    Sharpness checks are fundamental for efficiency,
    reducing material waste.
     Inventory Control
    Effective inventory control is key for CNC Workbench operations.
    Catalog tools accessories with precise counts. Implement check-out, return procedures.

    Regular audits prevent shortages, overstocking.

    This strategy optimizes tool usage, saves costs.
    Inventory control keeps projects on schedule, ensures tool availability.

     Digital Tracking
    Incorporate digital tracking for CNC Workbench tools.

    Use software to monitor tool location, usage, maintenance schedules.

    Real-time data aids in decision-making, prevents loss.
    Digital tracking simplifies inventory management, enhances operational workflow.

    • Implementing tool tracking systems to minimize downtime
     RFID Tags
    For CNC Workbench efficiency, RFID tags are key. They attach to tools, allowing quick scans.

    This system updates tool status instantly, reducing search times.
    Perfect for fast-paced environments, it keeps tool tracking
    simple. Ensures tools are always ready, minimizing operational delays.
    Essential for maintaining continuous workflow, RFID tags
    are a game-changer.
     Barcode Scanning
    Barcode scanning at the CNC Workbench simplifies
    tool management. Tools tagged with barcodes offer easy tracking.
    Scan to check tools in or out, streamlining inventory.
    This approach enhances tool security, prevents loss.
    It’s a practical solution for busy workshops; ensuring tools are always accounted for.
    Quick, efficient, barcode scanning is indispensable.
     Digital Logs
    Digital logs are critical for managing CNC Workbench tools.
    They record usage, maintenance, and location, offering a clear history.
    This data helps plan for tool needs, ensuring readiness.
    Access from any device makes information retrieval effortless.
    It’s an effective strategy to avoid tool misuse and prolong their life.
    Digital logs are a must-have for precision management.

     Maintenance Alerts
    Maintenance alerts for CNC Workbench tools are proactive.

    They signal when servicing is due, keeping tools in top shape.
    This system prevents unexpected downtimes, ensuring reliability.

    Tailor alerts to specific tool usage patterns for
    best results. It’s crucial for smooth operations; making maintenance alerts
    a wise investment.
     Tool Lifecycle Management
    Tool lifecycle management is vital at the CNC Workbench.
    It tracks tools from purchase to retirement, assessing performance.
    This insight aids in timely replacement decisions, optimizing investments.

    Effective lifecycle management reduces waste, focuses on quality tools.

    It’s key for operational excellence, ensuring every tool performs optimally.

    Enhancing CNC Machine Performance!

    • Regular Calibration
    Calibrating CNC machines regularly is crucial for optimal performance.
    Schedule checks on spindles, axes for accuracy.
    Calibration ensures precision in cuts, extends machine life.

    Use calibrated instruments, follow manufacturer guidelines.
    Regular calibration at the CNC Workbench reduces errors,
    boosts efficiency. It's a non-negotiable practice for quality outcomes.

    • Lubrication Schedule
    A strict lubrication schedule for CNC machines prevents wear,
    tear. Lubricate moving parts per OEM recommendations. Use
    quality oils, greases for longevity. Proper lubrication maintains smooth operation, prevents overheating.
    At the CNC Workbench, timely lubrication is key to machine health.

    It saves on costly repairs, downtime.
    • Upgrade Kits
    Upgrade kits can significantly enhance CNC machine capabilities.
    They include software updates, enhanced tooling options.
    Installing the latest kits improves efficiency, accuracy.
    Upgrades can extend machinery lifespan, add new features.
    For any CNC Workbench, staying updated with technology is vital.

    It ensures competitive edge, operational excellence.
    • Speed Optimization
    Optimizing speed settings on CNC machines maximizes productivity.
    Adjust feed rates, spindle speeds for material, tooling. Speed optimization reduces cycle times, improves finish quality.
    Analyze performance data, adjust for optimal settings.
    At the CNC Workbench, speed optimization is crucial for meeting production targets,
    maintaining high standards.
    • Precision Testing
    Precision testing is essential for maintaining CNC machining accuracy.
    Implement regular testing routines using precise measuring tools.
    Test cuts, dimensional checks ensure adherence to specifications.
    Precision testing at the CNC Workbench identifies calibration needs, prevents quality
    issues. It's fundamental for delivering consistent, high-quality products.

    Feature Regular Calibration Lubrication Schedule Upgrade Kits Speed Optimization Precision Testing
    Objective Ensure accuracy & precision Minimize wear & tear Enhance capabilities Improve efficiency Validate machining accuracy
    Frequency Quarterly/As needed Daily/Weekly As upgrades are released Continuous monitoring Pre &
    Tools/Equipment Calipers, Micrometers Lubricants,
    Grease guns Software, Hardware kits CNC Controller
    settings Gauges, CMMs
    Impact on Performance High precision & quality Extended machine life New functionalities Reduced cycle times Error minimization
    Skill Level Required High Moderate High High High
    Cost Moderate to High Low to Moderate High Moderate Moderate
    to High
    ROI High High Variable High High
    Table on Enhancing CNC Machine Performance!

    Material Handling and Preparation!
    • Pre-Cutting Checks
    Prioritize pre-cutting checks at the CNC Workbench
    for flawless operations. Inspect materials for defects, dimensions accuracy
    before machining. Confirm tool sharpness, alignment for precision. These steps
    prevent waste, ensure product quality. Essential for maintaining standards, pre-cutting checks are the first line of defense against errors.

    • Material Labeling
    Material labeling at the CNC Workbench streamlines workflow.
    Assign labels detailing type, thickness, and
    intended use. This practice avoids confusion, enhances efficiency.
    Labels act as quick references, speeding up material selection. For any project, organized
    labeling is key to managing resources effectively, ensuring
    the right material is always used.
    • Moisture Control
    Moisture control is critical in CNC Workbench environments.
    Store materials in dry conditions are prevent warping,
    swelling. Use dehumidifiers in humid climates to protect integrity.
    Moisture-compromised materials affect precision, waste resources.
    Proactive moisture control is a must for quality
    outcomes, equipment longevity.
    • Flatness Assurance
    Ensure material flatness before CNC machining for optimal results.
    Use precision levels, surface plates for verification. Flat materials
    eliminate rework, enhance detail accuracy. Critical for intricate designs, flatness assurance is foundational to achieving desired finishes.
    It guarantees efficiency, reduces material strain at the CNC Workbench.

    • Stock Organization
    Effective stock organization boosts productivity at the CNC Workbench.
    Implement shelving, categorization systems for order.
    This approach minimizes search time, expedites selection. An organized stock area supports
    seamless operations, allowing quick transitions between tasks.

    Workflow Automation on the CNC Workbench!

    • Software Integration
    Integrating advanced software with the CNC Workbench streamlines operations.
    It enables precise control over machining processes,
    enhancing efficiency. Software such as CAD/CAM transforms designs into
    executable paths, reducing manual input. Essential for high-volume production, it minimizes
    errors, ensures consistency. Key to modern machining, software integration is a cornerstone of automation.
    • Pallet Systems
    Pallet systems revolutionize material handling at the CNC Workbench.

    They facilitate quick setup changes, maximizing machine uptime.
    Automated pallet changes reduce manual labor, speed up production cycles.

    Ideal for high-mix, low-volume jobs, they keep machines running efficiently.
    Implementing pallet systems is a strategic move towards
    lean manufacturing.
    • Automated Loading
    Automated loading mechanisms enhance productivity at the CNC Workbench.

    Robots or conveyors supply materials, ensuring continuous operation. This automation reduces human intervention, lowers
    the risk of injuries. It guarantees a steady supply of workpieces, optimizing machine
    use. Crucial for long runs, automated loading is a key efficiency driver.

    • Program Sequencing
    Program sequencing software optimizes the CNC Workbench workflow.

    It schedules tasks for minimal tool changes, reducing idle time.
    Advanced algorithms predict efficient sequences, saving valuable machining
    time. This approach is vital for complex parts, ensuring timely completion. For peak performance, program sequencing
    is indispensable.
    • Tool Path Optimization
    Tool path optimization software is critical for enhancing CNC Workbench efficiency.
    It calculates the most efficient routes, reducing machining time, tool wear.
    Optimized paths ensure smoother finishes, extend tool life.
    Key for complex geometries, it significantly reduces cycle times.
    Tool path optimization is fundamental for quality
    and speed.

    Operator Training and Skill Development!
    • Continuous Learning
    Continuous learning is pivotal for CNC Workbench operators.

    It ensures skills remain sharp in evolving manufacturing landscapes.
    Workshops and webinars offer new techniques,
    tooling insights. Embracing a culture of learning fosters innovation, keeps teams ahead of medical industry curves.

    • Skill Certification
    Skill certification elevates CNC Workbench operations.
    It validates expertise in machining, programming, and maintenance.

    Certification programs from recognized institutions set benchmarks for quality, safety.

    Operators with certifications bring verified skills, enhancing
    team capabilities. Pursuing these credentials supports career progression,
    workplace efficiency. It's a commitment to professional development, operational excellence.

    • Safety Training
    Safety training is non-negotiable at the CNC Workbench.

    Comprehensive programs cover emergency procedures, equipment
    handling, and hazard recognition. Regular drills reinforce safety protocols, ensuring readiness.
    A safe workplace minimizes accidents, boosts morale.
    Investing in ongoing safety training is essential for
    protecting operators, maintaining high productivity standards.

    • Software Proficiency
    Software proficiency is critical for maximizing CNC Workbench potential.
    Mastery over CAD/CAM systems enables complex designs, efficient toolpaths.
    Training sessions update operators on latest software enhancements, integration features.

    High software proficiency translates to reduced setup times,
    error margins. It’s key for streamlined operations,
    delivering precision on complex projects.

    Advanced Setup Techniques!

    • Fixture Innovations
    At the CNC Workbench, fixture innovations are transforming setup efficiency.
    Customizable clamps and modular fixtures reduce setup times, enhance precision. These advancements support versatile machining processes,
    accommodate complex parts. Implementing innovative fixture solutions is crucial for competitive
    manufacturing, ensuring quick adaptation to varied production demands.

    • Rapid Changeovers
    Rapid changeover techniques at the CNC Workbench are pivotal for minimizing downtime.
    Utilizing quick-release mechanisms and preset tooling accelerates transitions between jobs.
    This strategy optimizes milling machine utilization, boosts output.
    Emphasizing speed and efficiency, rapid changeovers are essential for meeting tight production schedules in dynamic
    manufacturing environments.
    • Tolerance Strategies
    Implementing precise tolerance strategies at the CNC Workbench
    ensures high-quality production. Advanced measuring tools and software monitor machining accuracy, facilitating adjustments in real-time.
    This proactive approach to tolerance management minimizes rework,
    maintains product consistency. It’s fundamental for achieving excellence in precision manufacturing, satisfying stringent
    quality standards.
    • Adaptive Programming
    Adaptive programming technology revolutionizes operations at the CNC Workbench.
    It dynamically adjusts cutting conditions based on real-time feedback,
    optimizing tool paths. This approach reduces tool wear, improves surface finish.
    Adopting adaptive programming enhances machining efficiency,
    adapts to material variances. It's a smart strategy
    for modern, data-driven manufacturing.

    Utilizing proven CNC machining features and greater than ever advancements, provides you with opportunities to excel in modern machining.

    And, this is achieved through an employee
    commitment to seeking constant improvements of the products
    and technologies combined, which is more than just
    a dream but a reality in the company. This trip is a stepping stone for
    other journeys in the future, and you can visit CNCYANGSEN to discover more.

    Avoid the quandary of CNC Workbench, and choose the path of
    success where only the best can harbor the ultimate achievement.

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